Sheetpile profiles
made from fiberglass are best for use in highly corrosive environment. Especially they can be used to protect the shore, to avoid errosion. The high corrosion resistance is best for use in seawater, the advantage over steel sheetpiles is dramatic.
GRP-sheetpile profiles can be rammed into the ground if it contains not too much stones and rocks. Because of their lightweight character, grp-sheet piles can be distributed easily by hand and also be installed even in difficult accessible operation site.

- T-Profiles
- L-Profiles
- C-Profiles
- H-Profiles
- Hat-Profiles
- U-Profiles
- Z-Profiles
- Rectangular Tubes
- Flat-Profiles
- Rods
- Tubes
- System Profiles
- Sheet Pile Walls
- Transformer Profiles
- Standard Profiles
- Coverings
- Reinforcement bars
- Window and Door Profile
- Animal Breeding
- System Profile Set
- Corrugated Sheets
- Vehicle Construction
- Custom Profiles
- Dogbones
- Corner Profiles
- Gratings